Case Study - Complex Real world location brought to life in VR



Award winning project based on the optimisation and recreation in VR of a large and highly complex yet to be built major rail station.

The Idea. 

To determine whether planned signage would work on the new HS2 Old Oak Common Station.

We were approached as our expertise in VR was needed for the implementation of the model and integration with external cloud based data capture software.

The key problem was the optimisation of the model to work within VR against data collection over 1000 custom sign models and textures all of which had to be placed by hand in the correct positions.

  The Creation.

The model was first optimised simply by removing elements that were unnecessary.

More advanced methods were then employed to reduce the number of meshes.

Finally advanced methods of optimisation were used to maximise frame rate and reduce lag and latency.

Finally textures and lighting were baked so that the maximum efficiency could be obtained to allow the tracking of all the bio metrics that were needed.

The Result.

200+ people assessed

Awards for innovation for consortium companies

Insights gained as to signage placement

Invaluable insights into how users interact with VR

Future projects with clients in the future


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